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you‘re an asshole
你这缺德鬼  detail>>
you are a asshole
你这缺德鬼  detail>>
hey you asshole
你这个混蛋  detail>>
肛门,令人讨厌的人 屁眼  detail>>
an e
安娥  detail>>
e an
安娥  detail>>
anastomosis]端端吻合术 端端吻合术  detail>>
essentials of an e-mail
电子邮件写作要领  detail>>
write an e-mail
写一封电子邮件 种花写电子邮件  detail>>
have an affection for you
中意  detail>>
if you were an angel
如果你是天使  detail>>
you are an idiocy
你是白痴  detail>>
you get an a for effort
你尽了最大的努力  detail>>
you need an infection
我需要打一针  detail>>
you need an injection
你需要打针  detail>>
send him an e-card
给他发电子贺卡  detail>>
all the things you do, e back to you
你的付出,终究会得到回报  detail>>